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Render+ 2.6 released

Boy, it’s been a while! I’m final­ly pick­ing Render+ devel­op­ment up again. This ver­sion comes with sev­er­al long need­ed fix­es and two flashy new fea­tures. Among the fix­es are: You can grab the update from the Blender Market or Gumroad as usual.

Mirage 3.7 is out now

It’s been a while, has­n’t it? Life has been real­ly, real­ly hec­tic. But there’s always some time to work on Mirage! This new ver­sion comes with a com­plete revamp of the dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem, now using Geometry Nodes. Also M1 macs are sup­port­ed now. The first thing you will notice is that changes are applied inmedi­ate­ly. Vertex groups or 

Render+ 2.5 released

It’s that time of the year again! A new Render+ release is out with some new fea­tures, some life qual­i­ty improve­ments and a bunch of bug fix­es. Verison 2.5 brings mul­ti­ple cus­tom frames, frame jump con­trol for ani­ma­tions, bet­ter tools for trou­bleshoot­ing, sup­port for Blendfiles com­pressed with Zstd (Blender 3), and a new option to run a python script (from

Render+ 2.4 out today

Today is release day! Render+ 2.4 is out. Also known as the spit and pol­ish release. The pre­vi­ous refac­tor in 2.3 unfor­tu­nate­ly intro­duced a num­ber of regres­sions and oth­er ran­dom bugs. There’s also a cou­ple of improve­ments to make the UI less con­fus­ing and some ini­tial work on Blender 3.0. Take a look at the list of fixes 

Faster batches with Render+ 2.3

Render+ 2.3 is out today! This ver­sion comes with anoth­er impor­tant step towards bet­ter batch ren­der­ing. Parallel Renders After a mas­sive rewrite of the batch serv­er, Render+ can now ren­der more than one job at a time. The glob­al batch set­tings include a small slid­er to change the num­ber of jobs that get run in par­al­lel. Render jobs 

Mirage 3.6 is out

No video this time, because a lot of the improve­ments are basi­cal­ly iter­a­tive or under the hood (also had no time to make a full video TBH). This release comes with much need­ed per­for­mance work, bet­ter mate­ri­als a new mod­i­fi­er. I also did some jan­i­tor work remov­ing dead code and improv­ing sev­er­al parts of the ter­rain mod­ule with the recent 

Mirage 3.5 out today!

Yes! today is the day. After well over a year, Mirage 3.5 is final­ly offi­cial­ly out. So many things have hap­pened, so many new fea­tures too. Let’s get into the new stuff New Modifiers sys­tem and ter­rain tools Mirage has gained a new ter­rain type: the BASIC ter­rain. This type uses a sim­i­lar algo­rithm to what we had in 

Yes, Blender is free
(but what does it really mean?)

A 3D mod­eller, ani­ma­tion suite and not one but two ren­der engines. Blender’s code­base is full of insane­ly com­plex work and math. So, how can it be free? We’re talk­ing about one of the most math inten­sive prob­lem domains in soft­ware. It’s no won­der that in all these years there have been very few open source 

Mirage 3.5 Beta

Oh hey, it’s been a while! As you might guess what was to be a short, self-con­­tained, rea­son­able release turned into a chaot­ic avalanche of fea­tures. Typical. You fix one thing and then you get an idea to make some­thing bet­ter. You get on it since it’s a small change, and when you snap out of it weeks have 

Easy batch rendering with Render+ 2.2

Watch out! A new ver­sion of Render+ is out. We final­ly take the first step towards net­work ren­der­ing and many improve­ments all around. Network ren­der­ing The batch serv­er can now be run in a sep­a­rate com­put­er. For now, the serv­er also does the ren­der­ing. I will be work­ing on dis­trib­uted ren­der­ing over future releas­es. Please refer to the 

Futuristic UI breakdown

By pop­u­lar request, here’s a break­down of the Futuristic UI I post­ed ear­li­er. This includes a com­plete look at the script that updates the texts and all the ani­ma­tion and mate­r­i­al tricks I used. I also updat­ed the blend­file to also include the video sequencer scene that was miss­ing before.

Cool Watercolor material with Eevee

Learn how to make your 3D mod­els look like water­col­or paint­ings with the ever use­ful shad­er-to-rgb node. If you pre­fer text tuto­ri­als, you can read the text ver­sion below. The trick behind this water­col­or mate­r­i­al is to make it look like the objects are paint­ed on a piece of paper rather than an object in a 3D space.