The ren­der­ing
Swiss Army knife

Also avail­able in the BlenderMarket!

Batch Rendering with­out the hassle

Batch Rendering is com­pli­cat­ed. Making scripts and keep­ing track of them takes time and tech­ni­cal knowl­edge. Not to men­tion being error prone. The alter­na­tive of ren­der­ing one-by-one is even more time con­sum­ing and tiring.

What if we could set­up and start batch­es from inside Blender, using the UI we know and love?

Render+ is a Blender addon that makes batch ren­der­ing as easy as click­ing a button.

Forget about writ­ing scripts. Setup ren­der jobs and start batch­es with­in Blender’s famil­iar UI

Feel free to close Blender.
Render+ keeps run­ning in the back­ground. When you open the blend file again, it will recon­nect and dis­play the batch’s progress.

Get com­plete con­trol. Custom Overrides let you change any­thing in a ren­der job. For seri­ous pow­er users.

Why set­up batch­es when Render+ can do it for you?

With Quick Batches you can set­up a batch for every cam­era, mark­er or view lay­er in a scene (or from every scene) in one click. 

16K ren­ders? No prob­lem! Split mas­sive ren­ders in batch­es of small­er images in one click. It also works for small­er images when you can’t leave your com­put­er ren­der­ing for too long.

Adapt it to your workflow

Custom Commands

Run com­mands before or after a ren­der job is run, a reg­u­lar ren­der or an entire batch.

Fully Documented API

Integrate Render+ into any pipeline. Batches are con­trolled through JSON files and a REST API.

Makes sin­gle ren­ders bet­ter too

There are bet­ter things to do than watch­ing the tiles fill up. Render+ can auto­mat­i­cal­ly sus­pend or turn the com­put­er off when it’s done rendering.

Get noti­fied. Use a sound, an email or a pop­up in your desk­top. Or all of them together. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why not just use a script?
Using a script is tedious work and it’s very easy to make lit­tle mis­takes that ruin the batch. Render+ takes care of every­thing for you, so you can make and start a batch in a few clicks.

Are batch­es slow­er than reg­u­lar ren­ders?
Batch ren­der­ing uses Blender’s com­mand line ren­der­ing func­tion, which is lighter on resources. Some users have even found it faster and more stable!

Why not just set the ren­ders one-by-one?
Rendering one image, switch­ing scenes/cameras and ren­der­ing again is inef­fi­cient and a waste of your time. This grunt work can be auto­mat­ed so you can focus on more impor­tant issues, like relax­ing after a hard day of work.

Can it run batch­es over a net­work?
This is a planned fea­ture for the 2.x series


  • Compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux
  • Blender 2.8 (or newer)
  • Desktop noti­fi­ca­tions are not avail­able on Windows at the moment
  • Supports any Render Engine Blender supports
  • Progress infor­ma­tion only avail­able for Cycles and Eevee at the moment

30 Days, 100% satisfaction. Guaranteed.

Having trou­ble with Render+? Just send me an email and we’ll sort it out! If you’re still not sat­is­fied you can get 100% of your mon­ey back.

Render+ has been absolute­ly cru­cial in help­ing our team reach our client dead­lines. It makes batch ren­der­ing sim­ple with just a few clicks of the mouse; we can set up ren­ders overnight or over the week­end and come back to a com­plet­ed list of ren­dered shots or even mul­ti­ple cam­era angles in the same scene, all with no down­time. The auto­mat­ic email noti­fi­ca­tions, con­sole ren­der­ing, cus­tom over­rides and great cus­tomer sup­port are just icing on the cake. Highly rec­om­mend­ed for all Blender professionals!


Joel Gerlach

Creative con­tent producer

Even when using blender to ren­der and turn­ing off the pre­view of the ren­der, I found resource heavy scenes would require me to babysit the ren­der to watch for crash­es. When I switch to ren­der + for the same project, it nev­er crashed dur­ing ren­der as of yet. This has been con­sis­tent for mul­ti­ple projects. I don’t know why, but I am glad.


Josh Zacharias

VFX/Motion Graphics Artist

I have been using Render+ more and more and it is sav­ing me tons of rest­ful sleep time, instead of babysit­ting Blender.


Duarte Ramos

3D Artist

Stop worrying about renders
and start saving time

Instant down­load