Mirage 2 released!

Hello fel­low Blenderheads. I’m hap­py to announce Mirage 2 is final­ly out! This new ver­sion comes packed with new fea­tures and changes.

It’s tak­en a lot longer than I hoped, with more than a few bumps along the way. I hit most of the tar­gets for this ver­sion, except for Hydraulic Erosion which I’m mov­ing to the future (maybe to 4.0). I end­ed up adding things that weren’t planned as well, like the new ter­rain algo­rithm, ther­mal ero­sion or the new slopes feature.

Read on for a short list of what’s new.

Better terrains

Mirage now uses a more real­is­tic ter­rain algo­rithm (slight­ly faster too!). You can now choose a cus­tom detail lev­el to fine tune the ver­tex count on gen­er­at­ed ter­rains. Not only it’s new, it also includes sup­port for Plateaus, and two new set­tings: Alpine and Deformation. You’ll also be pleased to know that seed val­ues can go up to 2 bil­lion now. That’s 2 bil­lion dif­fer­ent base ter­rains to play with.

…and new terrain features

Terrain Features are new option­al effects that can applied to ter­rains. Mirage 2 includes three fea­tures, with more to come in the future.

  • Thermal Erosion
  • Strata (lay­ered terrain)
  • Slopes (grad­u­al­ly decrease height of terrain)


Mirage can now use pre­sets to save and reload set­tings. You can export pre­sets as json files and share them with your friends. Also includes 10 built-in pre­sets, so you can start mak­ing cool ter­rains right away.

More bling

Buttons and set­tings are now prop­er­ly grouped in the ui. Inputs use real world mea­sure units when­ev­er pos­si­ble, and all set­tings now use inte­ger val­ues between 0–10 or 0–5 (so much eas­i­er to tweak). The doc­u­men­ta­tion got a new coat of paint too. All sec­tions are now eas­i­er to under­stand and include bet­ter pic­tures. There’s also a new “cook­book” sec­tion with recipes for dif­fer­ent terrains.

There’s even more new stuff!

New pre­view selec­tor for heightmaps and new pan­el for heightmap-based ter­rains. Export ver­tex groups to images, Export ter­rain as data, and more! Check the changel­og for the full list

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ArticlesAddon, Blender, BlenderMarket, Mirage, Python03.09.2018