Render+ 1.7 released

Christmas comes ear­ly for Render+ users! This new ver­sion focus­es on improve­ments for ren­der jobs based on exter­nal files. 

What’s new?

  • Improved UI for ren­der jobs using exter­nal files
  • UI now turns red if blend file is miss­ing or corrupt
  • Scenes, Cameras, Worlds and Render lay­ers can now be select­ed from a list for exter­nal jobs (just like reg­u­lar ren­der jobs)
  • The default scene, cam­era and world are auto­mat­i­cal­ly selected
  • Start, end and cur­rent (still) frames are also auto-filled
  • New “Add exter­nal” option. This tool opens a file brows­er and lets you select mul­ti­ple blend files. Those files are then added as ren­der jobs and filled automatically.
  • The file selec­tor only shows blend files now
  • Improved and cleaned log­ging code. It no longer con­flicts with Blender ID/Flamenco (I won­der if any­one else actu­al­ly noticed this 🙂 )
  • Cleaned the geo­log­i­cal lay­ers of code style a bit. Code is now more PEP8 compliant.
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ArticlesAddon, Blender, BlenderMarket, Python, Render+02.09.2018