Render+ 0.5

Hello fine folk, there’s a smell of new Render+ in the air.

New features

  • Batch Rendering
  • Automatically move to the next ren­der­ing slot
  • Code clean-up

Batch ren­der is prob­a­bly the largest fea­ture I’ve worked on for R+. It can over­ride scene set­tings and do cus­tom frames, sizes, ren­der­lay­ers, cam­eras and more. All from the com­fort of a pan­el in the ren­der properties.

I’m still not 100% hap­py about it though, since I couldn’t get past some lim­i­ta­tions of the API that make the inter­face freeze while ren­der­ing. I’m try­ing some ideas to get around it but it will be pret­ty involved (if possible).

If you’ve already bought ver­sion 0.4 you can login into your account and go to the down­loads page to get the new version.

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ArticlesAddon, Blender, BlenderMarket, Python, Render+03.09.2018