Render+ 0.8 released

After sev­er­al months of work, ver­sion 0.8 of Render+ is final­ly ready! This is a most­ly tech­ni­cal release, focus­ing more on code and doc­u­men­ta­tion qual­i­ty. There are some cool fea­tures for users includ­ed though


  • Major code refac­tor. All the code is now orga­nized into mod­ules, code dupli­ca­tion has been reduced.
  • More robust error handling
  • Email Notifications.
  • Export Stats to CSV file.
  • Much improved doc­u­men­ta­tion for users and devel­op­ers.
  • New sam­ples for post/pre actions in docs.
  • Clone over­ride but­ton. Custom Overrides can be quick­ly copied to all ren­der jobs with one click.
  • Colored out­put in ter­mi­nal (only Linux)
  • Generate sup­port log set­ting. Enabling this fea­ture will write a detailed log file while using R+, use­ful to help solve issues/bugs.
  • Render jobs using exter­nal blends no longer require an out­put path. You can leave it blank to make R+ use the out­put set in the exter­nal blend.
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ArticlesAddon, Blender, BlenderMarket, Python, Render+03.09.2018