Futuristic UI Freebie

I start­ed this lit­tle motion graph­ics project some­time in the 2.78 days, orig­i­nal­ly using Blender Render but the lack of nodes and the view­port per­for­mance made it more com­pli­cat­ed than it had to be. But live in the future now! Eevee and the UI improve­ments over the last few releas­es have made this a lot more fun. Note 


Man it’s been a while since I post­ed any­thing art-relat­ed in this blog. I’ve recent­ly become inter­st­ed in vox­els. They look like an ele­gant solu­tion to the prob­lem of com­plex­i­ty creep in 3D. Of course we still don’t have the tech­nol­o­gy or raw pow­er to dri­ve as many mil­lions of vox­els as we do with pix­els. But 

Futuristic Glass

I’ve been play­ing around with Eeevee recent­ly and the new shad­er-to-rgb node to cre­ate a futur­is­tic glass effect.

Black Light V2

Here’s a new and improved ver­sion of my old Black Light theme. Now with 100% more orange.

EXP 002 // Bacteria

Time for anoth­er ani­ma­tion exper­i­ment in Blender. This time inspired by the end­ing sequence of the first episodes of Ergo Proxy

EXP 001 // Dynamic Paint Liquid

I’ve always seen Dynamic Paint as one of those exot­ic things in Blender that could only be use­ful for one or two odd things. Oh, how wrong I was

Default Cubism Challenge

Mike Pan launched his default cubism chal­lenge again this year. I joined in this time for 20 days, post­ing a ren­der on twit­ter everyday.

Cycles studies vol. 1

Hi every­one, here’s some stud­ies of cycles mate­ri­als I’ve been doing to lev­el up my shading.


Long time no post! I’ve been quite busy with edi­to­r­i­al work and Render+ 0.6. And a new ver­sion of this site, of course 🙂

Abstract Blob intro

Turns out, dri­vers can be use­ful for motion graph­ics too. Who would have thought some­thing like that?


Here’s a type ani­ma­tion fol­low­ing topog­ra­phy lines. Just exper­i­ment­ing with curves and cam­era moves in Blender.