Futuristic UI breakdown

By pop­u­lar request, here’s a break­down of the Futuristic UI I post­ed ear­li­er. This includes a com­plete look at the script that updates the texts and all the ani­ma­tion and mate­r­i­al tricks I used. I also updat­ed the blend­file to also include the video sequencer scene that was miss­ing before.

Cool Watercolor material with Eevee

Learn how to make your 3D mod­els look like water­col­or paint­ings with the ever use­ful shad­er-to-rgb node. If you pre­fer text tuto­ri­als, you can read the text ver­sion below. The trick behind this water­col­or mate­r­i­al is to make it look like the objects are paint­ed on a piece of paper rather than an object in a 3D space. 

Copying markers in Blender is easy

Ever want­ed to copy mark­ers from one scene to anoth­er? Blender does­n’t have a built-in method to do this but we can do it with some Python. Markers are stored as scene prop­er­ties, much like Render set­tings or units, that’s why we can’t copy them indi­vid­u­al­ly. The alter­na­tive is to append/duplicate the entire scene and then