Calculating distances in Blender with Python

In this super quick tip we’ll see how to cal­cu­late the dis­tance between two points. The for­mu­la for Euclidean dis­tance in 3D is the fol­low­ing: There’s at least three ways to do this in Blender. The clas­sic way The ben­e­fit of this snip­pet is that it will always be avail­able. It does­n’t depend on a specific 

Making After Effects' Fractal noise effect in Blender

Fractal noise is a well-known effect in After Effects. Probably one of the most used too, it’s ver­sa­tile enough to cre­ate all kinds of effects. Users com­ing to Blender from an After Effects back­ground might be won­der­ing if there’s a sim­i­lar effect or at least some way to ani­mate noise. Let’s see how we can repli­cate it 

Getting Property groups as dictionaries

I recent­ly reworked Mirage’s live mode to be more effi­cient. One of the things I want­ed to improve was detect­ing changes in ter­rain set­tings. I fig­ured the best way to do it was get­ting a dic­tio­nary of the set­tings and find­ing what changed in it. So I wrote a lit­tle func­tion to get all the prop­er­ties inside a PropertyGroup as a dic­tio­nary. I figure 

This week(s) in Mirage #8

It’s been a while! I’ve final­ly fin­ished the new mate­ri­als. The new mate­ri­als now use image tex­tures instead of pro­ce­du­rals. While pro­ce­du­rals have many ben­e­fits, you get more bang for your buck with images. They bring lots of non-dis­­crete details and vari­a­tion, along with bet­ter per­for­mance in exchange for some flex­i­bil­i­ty. This change was pos­si­ble now 

What is a non-manifold mesh and how to fix it

In your jour­ney through the world of CGI, you have prob­a­bly come across the word non-man­i­­fold once or twice. Maybe you got slapped with a “mesh is non-man­i­­fold” error too and won­dered how your mesh became non-some­thing. Surely hav­ing a man­i­fold mesh is bet­ter. But what does it mean to be man­i­fold? A man­i­fold is a mathematical 

Eveee Crash Course

A new age is upon us. Internal is dead, and we have a shiny new engine to replace it. This quick intro will help you get into Eevee. 

Extruding meshes with Bmesh step-by-step

In pre­vi­ous tuto­ri­als we looked into the basics of how to cre­ate mesh data to make new objects. Let’s shift gears and start abus­ing pre-exist­ing mesh­es instead, today we will look at extrusions. 

Extracting subtitles with FFmpeg

FFMpeg is the swiss army knife of video edi­tors and motion artists world­wide. Let’s take a look at one of the less­er-known features.