Left Click in Blender: Redux

Many moons ago I shared a keymap I was using to have LMB to select and per­form most actions in Blender. No, I haven’t changed my mind 🙂

Meshes with Python & Blender: Rounded Cubes

Unlike the pre­vi­ous part, this tuto­r­i­al will be lighter on math and focus more on the “Blender stuff”. We will look at adding and apply­ing mod­i­fiers, read­ing a mesh from a file and man­ag­ing complexity.

Meshes with Python & Blender: Icospheres

In the third part of the series we get into mak­ing icosa­he­dra, sub­di­vid­ing and refin­ing them to spheres. To top it off, we’ll also look at two ways of set­ting a mesh’s shad­ing to smooth.

Using a 3D View to preview scenes

Do you find your­self con­stant­ly switch­ing in and out of cam­era view while work­ing in Blender? There’s a bet­ter way!

Bending light in Cycles

In today’s tuto­r­i­al we’ll break the laws of physics, and prove we can abuse nodes to make Cycles do any­thing we want

Using makefiles to package addons

Ahh final­ly putting your addon in a zip file and post­ing it, the most relax­ing part of devel­op­ment. Except when you have to do it often!