EXP 002 // Bacteria

Time for anoth­er ani­ma­tion exper­i­ment in Blender. This time inspired by the end­ing sequence of the first episodes of Ergo Proxy (though I end­ed up doing some­thing total­ly different!).

Not a lot of mate­r­i­al or mod­el­ling work here, but it’s got a lot in the way of pro­ce­dur­al ani­ma­tion. I’ve used hooks, arma­tures, f‑curve mod­i­fiers, mesh mod­i­fiers and a whole lot of com­posit­ing tricks to make this. Combining the noise mod­i­fi­er along with stepped and lim­its to cre­ate a ran­dom on/off (actu­al­ly 0–1) ani­ma­tion has to be one of the most inter­est­ing things I learned from these projects.

As usu­al, you can get the blend file below. Note that the blend file is divi­died in two scenes. The first one is the actu­al ren­der, while the sec­ond one is pure­ly com­pos­i­tor work that takes in a sequence of frames ren­dered from the pre­vi­ous scene. It also doesn’t include any bakes or sequence renders.

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FreebiesAnimation, Blender, Cycles, Experiment, Motion Graphics02.09.2018