Default Cubism Challenge

Mike Pan launched his default cubism chal­lenge again this year. I joined in this time for 20 days, post­ing a ren­der on twit­ter everyday.

These kind of one-project-a-day chal­lenges are quite fun, and I encour­age you to try one some­times if you haven’t already. It’s a great chance to push your­self and try dif­fer­ent styles. Although they can get pret­ty demand­ing, spe­cial­ly when you run out of time/ideas.

Another inter­est­ing result of this chal­lenges is that you get to look back and ana­lyze a large series of your own work. I can see some repeat­ing designs and some ideas that didn’t turn out too good. All things to keep work­ing on and polishing!

You can down­load the blend files below. Have fun exploring!

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FreebiesBlender, Cycles, Experiment03.09.2018