Futuristic Glass

I’ve been play­ing around with Eeevee recent­ly and the new shad­er-to-rgb node.  Finally we have a way to grab the result of a BSDF node and trans­form it into an image. Anything that’s pos­si­ble with images is also pos­si­ble with shad­er nodes now: desat­u­ra­tion, tint­ing, using them to cre­ate masks, mix­ing them blend modes, etc.

In this demo I’m using shad­er-to-rgb to grab the out­put of sev­er­al glass shaders and then I’m mess­ing and mix­ing them using fres­nel to cre­ate the sides tint­ing, ghost­ing and unre­al­is­ti­cal­ly bump­ing the bright­ness of the reflec­tions at extreme angles. There’s a dis­per­sion effect too but that’s an old trick 🙂

The HDR is from HDR Vault and the tex­tures from Subtle Patterns. Everything is packed in the blend file so it’s a bulky down­load. Try mess­ing with the col­ors and blend modes and watch out for crashes!

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FreebiesBlender, Eevee, Materials, Video02.09.2018