
Man it’s been a while since I post­ed any­thing art-relat­ed in this blog. I’ve recent­ly become inter­st­ed in vox­els. They look like an ele­gant solu­tion to the prob­lem of com­plex­i­ty creep in 3D. Of course we still don’t have the tech­nol­o­gy or raw pow­er to dri­ve as many mil­lions of vox­els as we do with pix­els. But maybe in time we will be able to cre­ate real­is­tic vox­elized worlds. I cre­at­ed this lit­tle ancient-ruins island in MagicaVoxel. You can also check the whole mod­el (with­out vox­el trans­paren­cy) on Artstation.


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Freebiesenviroment, Voxel16.07.2019