Render+ 1.5 Released

A new release of Render+ is out today. 1.5 brings sev­er­al fix­es, some pol­ish and a handy new feature.

Mirage 2 released!

Hello fel­low Blenderheads. I’m hap­py to announce Mirage 2 is final­ly out! This new ver­sion comes packed with new fea­tures and changes.

Using makefiles to package addons

Ahh final­ly putting your addon in a zip file and post­ing it, the most relax­ing part of devel­op­ment. Except when you have to do it often!

Reflow addon for Blender

Think you’re ready for 60fps video? I’ve just released a free addon for Blender to help you with that.

Mirage landscaping addon is out!

After some furi­ous weeks of cod­ing I’ve launched a new addon in the mar­ket. It’s called Mirage and it lets you gen­er­ate ter­rrains and dis­trib­ute trees over it easily.

Render+ 0.8 released

After sev­er­al months of work, ver­sion 0.8 of Render+ is final­ly ready! 

Render+ 0.6 released

Good news every­one! A new ver­sion of Render+ is out. This is by far the most pol­ished ver­sion I’ve put out.

Render+ 0.5

Hello fine folk, there’s a smell of new Render+ in the air.

Render+ 0.3

After way too much time, I’m hap­py to announce a new ver­sion of Render+

Render+ 2.0

Hey, it’s that time of the month (or week): a new ver­sion of Render+ is out.