EXP 002 // Bacteria

Time for anoth­er ani­ma­tion exper­i­ment in Blender. This time inspired by the end­ing sequence of the first episodes of Ergo Proxy


Long time no post! I’ve been quite busy with edi­to­r­i­al work and Render+ 0.6. And a new ver­sion of this site, of course 🙂

Abstract Blob intro

Turns out, dri­vers can be use­ful for motion graph­ics too. Who would have thought some­thing like that?

2D Animated Circles

I’ve been asked a cou­ple of times how I made the 2D cir­cles in Kyary ani­ma­tion. The dis­a­pear­ing cir­cles are pret­ty com­mon in motion and ani­ma­tions, and they’re sur­pris­ing­ly easy to do in Blender.


Here’s a type ani­ma­tion fol­low­ing topog­ra­phy lines. Just exper­i­ment­ing with curves and cam­era moves in Blender.

Logo explosion

Back to blend­ing! I’ve just had time to get back to blender after a long project. 

Switching cameras like a pro

Changing cam­eras is a very com­mon task in ani­ma­tion, and it’s actu­al­ly pret­ty easy to do in Blender (though a lit­tle hid­den) . Let’s see two meth­ods to accom­plish this.

Animate uniform Scaling with Drivers

Sometimes we want to ani­mate a trans­for­ma­tion uni­form­ly in Blender but we find it’s divid­ed into dif­fer­ent chan­nels. In today’s tip we’ll cre­ate a dri­ver to ani­mate mul­ti­ple chan­nels from one.