Cool Watercolor material with Eevee

Learn how to make your 3D mod­els look like water­col­or paint­ings with the ever use­ful shad­er-to-rgb node. If you pre­fer text tuto­ri­als, you can read the text ver­sion below. The trick behind this water­col­or mate­r­i­al is to make it look like the objects are paint­ed on a piece of paper rather than an object in a 3D space. 

How to scale UVs from the center in Blender

Ever tried to ani­mate a tex­ture’s scale, only to find out it was grow­ing and shrink­ing from the cor­ners? This lit­tle prob­lem can be fixed eas­i­ly with a cou­ple nodes. Find out how to scale UV and gen­er­at­ed tex­tures from the cen­ter in Blender’s node edi­tor in this super-quick tip.

Animated Film Grain with Eevee

If you ever tried to do film grain in the com­pos­i­tor you may have hit a wall when ani­mat­ing, since the “old” noise tex­tures are pret­ty basic. There’s a bet­ter way! We can use the new nois­es to sim­u­late film grain, dust and oth­er imper­fec­tions direct­ly with Eevee.  Note that you can also use the Generator Modifier instead 

Making After Effects' Fractal noise effect in Blender

Fractal noise is a well-known effect in After Effects. Probably one of the most used too, it’s ver­sa­tile enough to cre­ate all kinds of effects. Users com­ing to Blender from an After Effects back­ground might be won­der­ing if there’s a sim­i­lar effect or at least some way to ani­mate noise. Let’s see how we can repli­cate it 

Eveee Crash Course

A new age is upon us. Internal is dead, and we have a shiny new engine to replace it. This quick intro will help you get into Eevee. 

Futuristic Glass

I’ve been play­ing around with Eeevee recent­ly and the new shad­er-to-rgb node to cre­ate a futur­is­tic glass effect.