Yes, Blender is free
(but what does it really mean?)

A 3D mod­eller, ani­ma­tion suite and not one but two ren­der engines. Blender’s code­base is full of insane­ly com­plex work and math. So, how can it be free? We’re talk­ing about one of the most math inten­sive prob­lem domains in soft­ware. It’s no won­der that in all these years there have been very few open source 

Black Light V2

Here’s a new and improved ver­sion of my old Black Light theme. Now with 100% more orange.

New IOR Reference addon

IOR Reference is an addon for Blender that adds a list of com­mon IOR val­ues right in the nodes editor.

Reflow addon for Blender

Think you’re ready for 60fps video? I’ve just released a free addon for Blender to help you with that.