Hudson in Krita, another easy vintage effect

Welcome to anoth­er episode of Too Hip for Instagram, the series of irreg­u­lar tuto­ri­als where we fig­ure out how to recre­ate Instagram’s looks in Krita. On the menu today is the Hudson effect. Hudson com­bines a cold tint with sev­er­al vin­tage effects like vignetting and chro­mat­ic aber­ra­tion. It also sports a radi­al “mixed” tint. The look in 

The Nashville filter in Krita step-by-step

Last time we repli­cat­ed the Mayfair fil­ter in Krita. Today we go cold­er with the Nashville fil­ter. Nashville gives your images low con­trast, high expo­sure and sub­tle warm tint mixed with cool blueish col­ors. This fil­ter is far hard­er than Mayfair so brace your­self for all of these 3 steps. Add a new Filter Layer and select 

The Mayfair filter in Krita in 3 easy steps

So you have fin­ished your newest Blender mas­ter­piece, or have a pho­to that you wish could look bet­ter? How about an Instagram fil­ter right in Krita? Today we will look at how we can repli­cate Mayfair. This fil­ter has a warm, pink tone with sub­tle vignetting. I’m also adding a bit of grain that was­n’t in the original