Mirage 3.7 is out now

It’s been a while, has­n’t it? Life has been real­ly, real­ly hec­tic. But there’s always some time to work on Mirage! This new ver­sion comes with a com­plete revamp of the dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem, now using Geometry Nodes. Also M1 macs are sup­port­ed now. The first thing you will notice is that changes are applied inmedi­ate­ly. Vertex groups or 

Mirage 3.6 is out

No video this time, because a lot of the improve­ments are basi­cal­ly iter­a­tive or under the hood (also had no time to make a full video TBH). This release comes with much need­ed per­for­mance work, bet­ter mate­ri­als a new mod­i­fi­er. I also did some jan­i­tor work remov­ing dead code and improv­ing sev­er­al parts of the ter­rain mod­ule with the recent 

Mirage 3.5 out today!

Yes! today is the day. After well over a year, Mirage 3.5 is final­ly offi­cial­ly out. So many things have hap­pened, so many new fea­tures too. Let’s get into the new stuff New Modifiers sys­tem and ter­rain tools Mirage has gained a new ter­rain type: the BASIC ter­rain. This type uses a sim­i­lar algo­rithm to what we had in 

Mirage 3.5 Beta

Oh hey, it’s been a while! As you might guess what was to be a short, self-con­­tained, rea­son­able release turned into a chaot­ic avalanche of fea­tures. Typical. You fix one thing and then you get an idea to make some­thing bet­ter. You get on it since it’s a small change, and when you snap out of it weeks have 

A quick peek at Mirage 3.5

I’ve been work­ing on Mirage 3.5 for a while now and have some neat new fea­tures to show; includ­ing a new move/rotation tool, new ter­rain type, new mod­i­fiers sys­tem, new set­tings for mod­i­fiers, rewrit­ten mod­i­fiers, dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem maps and more. This is still heavy work in progress so many things can still change.

Mirage 3.4 is out today!

The time has final­ly come. Mirage 3.4 is out today! The high­light of this release is the new ter­rain engine. It’s been a while, has­n’t it? This has prob­a­bly been the longest time between releas­es, but there’s a good rea­son for the delay! Mirage 3.4 comes with a new ter­rain engine com­plete­ly rewrit­ten in Rust for top-per­­for­­mance. I’ve codenamed 

This week(s) in Mirage #8

It’s been a while! I’ve final­ly fin­ished the new mate­ri­als. The new mate­ri­als now use image tex­tures instead of pro­ce­du­rals. While pro­ce­du­rals have many ben­e­fits, you get more bang for your buck with images. They bring lots of non-dis­­crete details and vari­a­tion, along with bet­ter per­for­mance in exchange for some flex­i­bil­i­ty. This change was pos­si­ble now 

This week(s) in Mirage #7

Welcome to anoth­er pro­duc­tive week for Mirage! This time I focused on fix­ing seam­less ter­rains. Seamless ter­rains have match­ing edges and can be tiled and repeat­ed.  I had this work­ing a while ago at the noise gen­er­a­tion lev­el. The Perlin func­tion I’m using is peri­od­ic, so it’s pos­si­ble to grab coor­di­nates out­side of the ter­rain and interpolate 

This week(s) in Mirage #6

Whoa, how long has it been? Wasn’t I sup­posed to do this every week? These last few weeks have been crazy with work, life, the release of Blender 2.80, Mirage 3.2 and Render+ 2. But that’s all done now. Time to get back on the horse! The good news is that I still man­aged to put some 

Mirage 3.3 out for Blender 2.80

New Blender, new Mirage. Or so I’d like to say. This is bor­ing release actu­al­ly. The only news is com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with Blender 2.80. Note that from this point onward, Mirage will require at least Blender 2.80. All the new fea­tures I’ve been blog­ging about will come in the next ver­sion: 3.4. Join the mail­ing list 

This week in Mirage #5

Time for the usu­al week­ly devel­op­ment news. This week I worked some more on the water ero­sion mod­i­fi­er. I start­ed by fix­ing the ran­dom­ness of the rain. Every iter­a­tion 100 drops fall at ran­dom places in the ter­rain. The prob­lem was that I was­n’t keep­ing the seeds for the ran­dom val­ues around so every­time a set­ting changed it 

This week(s) in Mirage #4

These last two weeks have been pret­ty busy, both in work/life and Mirage. On the mirage side, I port­ed the last mod­i­fi­er: flu­vial ero­sion. I spent the first week writ­ing the ini­tial imple­men­ta­tion and this week mak­ing it actu­al­ly work. Many moons ago I wrote a pure Python imple­men­ta­tion of the vir­tu­al pipes hydraulic ero­sion algo­rithm. It was crazy slow.