Render+ 2.5 released

It’s that time of the year again! A new Render+ release is out with some new fea­tures, some life qual­i­ty improve­ments and a bunch of bug fix­es. Verison 2.5 brings mul­ti­ple cus­tom frames, frame jump con­trol for ani­ma­tions, bet­ter tools for trou­bleshoot­ing, sup­port for Blendfiles com­pressed with Zstd (Blender 3), and a new option to run a python script (from

Render+ 2.4 out today

Today is release day! Render+ 2.4 is out. Also known as the spit and pol­ish release. The pre­vi­ous refac­tor in 2.3 unfor­tu­nate­ly intro­duced a num­ber of regres­sions and oth­er ran­dom bugs. There’s also a cou­ple of improve­ments to make the UI less con­fus­ing and some ini­tial work on Blender 3.0. Take a look at the list of fixes