Light leaks in the compositor

Light leaks hap­pen when the body of a cam­era isn’t light-tight and some light leaks in and over­ex­pos­es the film (or sen­sor). It’s often used along with vin­tage effects to give a sense of warmth and a rem­i­nis­cense of ana­log cameras.

Create a new tex­ture in your world, call it “leaks” or some­thing descrip­tive. Delete the default check­er node and add a clouds node. Set it to “Greyscale” and “Hard”, “Depth” to 0 and “Size” to 0.0001.

Add a Texture node ( input > tex­ture ) and select our leaks tex­ture. Set the scale on X to some­thing big like 0.5 and the Y scale to about 0.1 (ignore Z). Now make a new colorRamp node (col­or > colorRamp) and plug the col­or out­put of our tex­ture into it. Flip the posi­tions of the black and white col­ors by click­ing the icon with two arrows, this will invert the col­ors of our tex­ture. Ctrl+click on this node to add a view­er to it and acti­vate the back­drop option. Start mov­ing the slid­ers togeth­er in the colorRamp to crush the con­trast in our tex­ture. Once you’re hap­py with it, add a Blur node. Set it to Fast Gaussian and it’s val­ues to some­thing like 150.

Add a mix node, set it to add and mix your image with a bright orange col­or. Use the out­put of the Blur as your factor.

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TutorialsBlender, Compositing, Tip03.09.2018