Render+ 2.4 out today

Today is release day! Render+ 2.4 is out. Also known as the spit and pol­ish release. The pre­vi­ous refac­tor in 2.3 unfor­tu­nate­ly intro­duced a num­ber of regres­sions and oth­er ran­dom bugs. There’s also a cou­ple of improve­ments to make the UI less con­fus­ing and some ini­tial work on Blender 3.0.

Take a look at the list of fix­es and improvements:

  • Settings pan­el is now called “Single Render Settings” to make it clearer
  • Better start­up mes­sage when start­ing the batch serv­er from the com­mand line.
  • The batch serv­er now tries to fig­ure out and show the net­work IP when start­ed from the com­mand line
  • Added scripts to start the batch serv­er more easily
  • Lots of qual­i­ty of code improvements
  • Fixed sound noti­fi­ca­tion for batches
  • Bug when check­ing miss­ing textures
  • Several bugs in progress calculation
  • Progress bar now reacts and updates much faster
  • Progress cal­cu­la­tion is more reliable
  • Fixed remov­ing frame num­bers from file­names (though there’s still some edge cases)
  • Fixed ren­der­time for­mat in batch panel
  • The batch serv­er will change view lay­er in all lay­er nodes in the com­pos­i­tor now
  • The UI will dis­play a warn­ing when select­ing a viewlay­er that is dif­fer­ent from the one used in com­pos­i­tor nodes, since it could break some node setups.
  • Don’t change the view lay­er in com­pos­i­tor nodes if it’s not set in the ren­der job
  • Select exter­nal files will use an emp­ty out­put by default. This way they will be out­put to the direc­to­ries set in the files.
  • Removed col­or looks and tons of code no longer used
  • Fixed a bug where dis­abled ren­der jobs would show the queued icon
  • The batch serv­er can now dis­tin­guish between ren­der­ing and com­posit­ing stages (only for sin­gle image renders)
  • Progress can now go back to zero again for sin­gle images. This can hap­pen when ren­der­ing mul­ti­ple passes.
  • Fixed a bug when cal­cu­lat­ing progress after the first frame
  • Fix a bug when writ­ing the log in the batch server
  • Fixed a bug when writ­ing log files for ren­der jobs
  • Initial Blender 3.0 (and Cycles X) support

Next up

I plan on look­ing out for more bugs and pol­ish­ing the cur­rent code­base before intro­duc­ing any more major fea­tures. However I do plan on work­ing on small­er fea­tures like run­ning Python scripts before/after ren­der jobs.

Again, I’d like to thank every­one who sup­ports my work. Render+ would­n’t have made it this far with­out your help!

You can grab the update from the Blender Market or Gumroad as usual.

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VariousAddon, Blender, render, renderplus26.10.2021