This week in Mirage #2

This week went bet­ter than expect­ed in many ways. I end­ed up get­ting the mod­i­fi­er work done fair­ly quick­ly and man­aged to squeeze a small refac­tor, break­ing a ~1300 lines file into 3 files. I still have som­re more refac­tor­ing to do to make things more flex­i­ble. Hopefully I can get to that too in the fol­low­ing weeks. 

Porting went smooth­ly for the most part (sor­ry). The smooth lin­ear mod­i­fi­er now has a start set­ting where you can define at which point the smooth­ing effect goes to zero. The new start set­ting replaces “min­i­mum height”, since it can be used to achieve the same effect. The fac­tor set­tings now take dec­i­mal val­ues instead of being locked to 10 steps. This makes them a lot more flexible.

Radial smooth­ing now has a size set­ting that con­trols the radius of the effect. And the fac­tor set­ting now works much bet­ter too. It takes into account the posi­tion of a height point in the radius when smooth­ing, no more nasty spikes in the cen­ter! (unless you choose a very small size of course). The only prob­lem left to fix is that this mod­i­fi­er fails if the ter­rain isn’t square, but I think it’s going to be an easy fix.

I also man­aged to do some ini­tial work on Thermal Erosion. Next week I’ll work on com­plet­ing that (plug­ging it to the UI, pol­ish­ing, etc.). And if I have enough time, I’ll tack­le the white whale: Fluvial Erosion.

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VariousAddon, Blender, BlenderMarket, Development, Mirage, Python21.10.2020