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Copying markers in Blender is easy

Ever want­ed to copy mark­ers from one scene to anoth­er? Blender does­n’t have a built-in method to do this but we can do it with some Python. Markers are stored as scene prop­er­ties, much like Render set­tings or units, that’s why we can’t copy them indi­vid­u­al­ly. The alter­na­tive is to append/duplicate the entire scene and then 

Futuristic UI Freebie

I start­ed this lit­tle motion graph­ics project some­time in the 2.78 days, orig­i­nal­ly using Blender Render but the lack of nodes and the view­port per­for­mance made it more com­pli­cat­ed than it had to be. But live in the future now! Eevee and the UI improve­ments over the last few releas­es have made this a lot more fun. Note 

Using app templates to boost productivity

Making video tuto­ri­als? Juggling mul­ti­ple projects? Ever want­ed to switch between dif­fer­ent Blender setups with­out hav­ing to remem­ber what pref­er­ences to flip every time? Application tem­plates allow you to save Blender con­fig­u­ra­tions and eas­i­ly swap between them. This includes dif­fer­ent start­up files, addons and even splash screens. App tem­plates can also run cus­tom Python code 

A quick peek at Mirage 3.5

I’ve been work­ing on Mirage 3.5 for a while now and have some neat new fea­tures to show; includ­ing a new move/rotation tool, new ter­rain type, new mod­i­fiers sys­tem, new set­tings for mod­i­fiers, rewrit­ten mod­i­fiers, dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem maps and more. This is still heavy work in progress so many things can still change.

How to scale UVs from the center in Blender

Ever tried to ani­mate a tex­ture’s scale, only to find out it was grow­ing and shrink­ing from the cor­ners? This lit­tle prob­lem can be fixed eas­i­ly with a cou­ple nodes. Find out how to scale UV and gen­er­at­ed tex­tures from the cen­ter in Blender’s node edi­tor in this super-quick tip.

Animated Film Grain with Eevee

If you ever tried to do film grain in the com­pos­i­tor you may have hit a wall when ani­mat­ing, since the “old” noise tex­tures are pret­ty basic. There’s a bet­ter way! We can use the new nois­es to sim­u­late film grain, dust and oth­er imper­fec­tions direct­ly with Eevee.  Note that you can also use the Generator Modifier instead 

Amazing UILists in Blender with Custom Filtering

For this tuto­r­i­al you need to know the basics of mak­ing UI lists with Python in Blender, luck­i­ly some­one has already made a tuto­r­i­al about that! In the last episode we learned how to make a UIList and place it in a pan­el. It even had sort­ing and search­ing for free. So what’s left to do? Build our 

Hudson in Krita, another easy vintage effect

Welcome to anoth­er episode of Too Hip for Instagram, the series of irreg­u­lar tuto­ri­als where we fig­ure out how to recre­ate Instagram’s looks in Krita. On the menu today is the Hudson effect. Hudson com­bines a cold tint with sev­er­al vin­tage effects like vignetting and chro­mat­ic aber­ra­tion. It also sports a radi­al “mixed” tint. The look in 

Moving slices with Blender

Welcome to anoth­er motion graph­ics quick tip! This time we are look­ing at a basic overview of the mov­ing slices effect in Blender. You can often find this effect in slideshows and tran­si­tions. It looks best when com­bined with some ani­ma­tion in the tex­tures, be it scal­ing or mov­ing them. This tip uses NLA tracks to 

The Nashville filter in Krita step-by-step

Last time we repli­cat­ed the Mayfair fil­ter in Krita. Today we go cold­er with the Nashville fil­ter. Nashville gives your images low con­trast, high expo­sure and sub­tle warm tint mixed with cool blueish col­ors. This fil­ter is far hard­er than Mayfair so brace your­self for all of these 3 steps. Add a new Filter Layer and select 

Circle Bursts in Blender

2D motion graph­ics aren’t the domain of After Effects alone, Blender is becom­ing more and more capa­ble as a mograph tool. In this quick tip I’ll show you how to make a sim­ple pop­ping effect (some­times called Circle Burst). This is an updat­ed video ver­sion of one of the first tuto­ri­als I post­ed on this site. This is my 

The Mayfair filter in Krita in 3 easy steps

So you have fin­ished your newest Blender mas­ter­piece, or have a pho­to that you wish could look bet­ter? How about an Instagram fil­ter right in Krita? Today we will look at how we can repli­cate Mayfair. This fil­ter has a warm, pink tone with sub­tle vignetting. I’m also adding a bit of grain that was­n’t in the original