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Meshes with Python & Blender: Rounded Cubes

Unlike the pre­vi­ous part, this tuto­r­i­al will be lighter on math and focus more on the “Blender stuff”. We will look at adding and apply­ing mod­i­fiers, read­ing a mesh from a file and man­ag­ing complexity.

EXP 002 // Bacteria

Time for anoth­er ani­ma­tion exper­i­ment in Blender. This time inspired by the end­ing sequence of the first episodes of Ergo Proxy

Meshes with Python & Blender: Icospheres

In the third part of the series we get into mak­ing icosa­he­dra, sub­di­vid­ing and refin­ing them to spheres. To top it off, we’ll also look at two ways of set­ting a mesh’s shad­ing to smooth.

New IOR Reference addon

IOR Reference is an addon for Blender that adds a list of com­mon IOR val­ues right in the nodes editor.

Catch those keymaps

A plea to cut back on trace­backs when run­ning Blender in the com­mand line

EXP 001 // Dynamic Paint Liquid

I’ve always seen Dynamic Paint as one of those exot­ic things in Blender that could only be use­ful for one or two odd things. Oh, how wrong I was

Render+ 1.5 Released

A new release of Render+ is out today. 1.5 brings sev­er­al fix­es, some pol­ish and a handy new feature.

Default Cubism Challenge

Mike Pan launched his default cubism chal­lenge again this year. I joined in this time for 20 days, post­ing a ren­der on twit­ter everyday.

Bottles Mockup pack released

I’ve released a new prod­uct on the Blender Market! It’s a pack of full scene mock­ups with 5 com­mon bot­tle shapes. 

Using a 3D View to preview scenes

Do you find your­self con­stant­ly switch­ing in and out of cam­era view while work­ing in Blender? There’s a bet­ter way!