Latest Articles

Twist Intro released

I’ve final­ly released my first motion graph­ics tem­plate in the Blender Market. This is some­thing that I’ve been want­i­ng to get on for a long time.

Fuzz Texture pack released!

I’ve released a new prod­uct on the Blender Market, it’s called Fuzz. It’s a pack of pro­ce­dur­al tex­tures for Cycles to sim­u­late fur and animal-print.

Bending light in Cycles

In today’s tuto­r­i­al we’ll break the laws of physics, and prove we can abuse nodes to make Cycles do any­thing we want

Figures texture pack released

After quite some time I’ve launched a new prod­uct in the mar­ket. It’s a pack of pro­ce­dur­al tex­tures cen­tered around geo­met­ri­cal forms.

Mirage 2 released!

Hello fel­low Blenderheads. I’m hap­py to announce Mirage 2 is final­ly out! This new ver­sion comes packed with new fea­tures and changes.

Grunge Attack! released

Hey every­one, I got a new prod­uct out on the Blender Market. It’s called Grunge Attack! and it’s a pack of pro­ce­dur­al tex­tures for Cycles.

Using makefiles to package addons

Ahh final­ly putting your addon in a zip file and post­ing it, the most relax­ing part of devel­op­ment. Except when you have to do it often!

Enhance 2.0 is out!

Did you know I made a whole suite of nodes for the com­pos­i­tor? It’s called Enhance and I just pushed a mas­sive update.

Reflow addon for Blender

Think you’re ready for 60fps video? I’ve just released a free addon for Blender to help you with that.