This week in mirage

In this series of posts I’m going to talk about the new hot stuff I’m work­ing on for Mirage. This will be my first time doing a devlog, so bear with me 🙂

Our first stop is what I’ve doing for the past few months: the Rust port.

Port to Rust

Rust is a pro­gram­ming lan­guage focus­ing on safe­ty, per­for­mance and con­cur­ren­cy. It lets you achieve the per­for­mance of C with­out the seg­faults and over­flows. All while hav­ing mod­ern lan­guage fea­tures and superb tool­ing. In prac­ti­cal terms this means I’ve moved the ter­rain gen­er­a­tion code to a native library that I can call from the Python side. If you’re curi­ous I’m using the Py03 crate to gen­er­ate a Python module.

Most of the ter­rain engine is already port­ed (although I’m still not hap­py with it). Consider that noth­ing I’m show­ing you here is final, I will prob­a­bly change a lot of things. As a result of port­ing to Rust ter­rain gen­er­a­tion is now a lot faster. It’s not use­ful to talk num­bers now since the engine isn’t fin­ished, but it’s gone from ~190ms to ~90ms. And I haven’t even opt­mized any­thing yet! SIMD instruc­tions, par­al­leliza­tion and using the GPU are all pos­si­ble now with Rust.

The port has brought some new fea­tures too:

  • Offsetting the ter­rain noise in the X and Y axis
  • Rotating the ter­rain noise
  • Changing the scale (to make ter­rains that rep­re­sent larg­er or small­er areas)
  • The ter­rain used to have a height set­ting that was­n’t always respect­ed. Now ter­rains always go from 0 to height in the Z axis
  • There are now set­tings to con­trol how plain or moun­tain­ous the ter­rain is
  • Terrains can hay any res­o­lu­tion now. The base grid set­ting is gone (final­ly!) and we can have rec­tan­gu­lar ter­rains as well
  • Terrains can also be seam­less now (they can be tiled). 
  • There is a live mode that lets you play with these set­tings and watch the changes in realtime

I’m going to talk more about these in future posts, once the engine is more sta­ble and com­plete. I shared this quick demo video on Twitter some time ago. Note that some fea­tures have been removed and oth­ers added afterwards.

My ini­tial plan was to port the basics of the engine and keep the mod­i­fiers as they were (in Python/Numpy). But when I start­ed to work on this I found myself doing some very nasty hacks to keep every­thing working. 

I don’t want users deal­ing with unsta­ble code, or make the peo­ple who read my code think I’m any­thing less than an obsesive refac­tor­er. So I’ve decid­ed that I’m going to take my sweet time, port the whole thing and put out a great update with­out ugly hacks. Plus, I’m bring­ing even more improve­ments along the way.

Oh, and also that I’m going to blog about it! 

Porting the first modifiers

So, that’s what I’ve been doing late­ly. But what about this week?

This week I port­ed the Invert and Strata mod­i­fiers. Invert is the eas­i­est mod­i­fi­er, so no sur­pris­es here. Strata was a lit­tle more com­pli­cat­ed to get right.

First I renamed “stra­ta” to a more prop­er term: “Terraces”. The old stra­ta effect was done pure­ly in Numpy by con­vert­ing the heights to a sine wave and squar­ing it. Simple and effec­tive, but not very flex­i­ble at all. The new effect lets you have as many ter­races as you want and posi­tion them at dif­fer­ent heights in the ter­rain. Now we can cre­ate mul­ti­ple plateaus as well as ter­races. Also, “Invert Slope” actu­al­ly looks good now. The old effect used to make the edges of the ter­race high­er than the flat part of the terrain. 

Notice the lit­tle bridge cre­at­ed by the sec­ond terrace

I’m also think­ing of adding an option to con­trol the area between ter­races. It would be nice to make them more or less ver­ti­cal to make dif­fer­ent kinds of ter­rains. Some noise maps to add more vari­a­tion would also be inter­est­ing, but I think I’ll leave that one for a future ver­sion. Otherwise I’ll be releas­ing this for Blender 105.0. The ter­races effect can now cre­ate bet­ter plateaus than the plateau set­ting, so I will be remov­ing that option in favor of using the modifier.

Next week will be pret­ty busy, but I will start work­ing on the smooth mod­i­fi­er. Hopefully I’ll be able to get both lin­ear and radi­al smooth done in time for the next post.

If you want to have a seat in the first row when the next ver­sion of Mirage is released you can check it out on the BlenderMarket.

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VariousAddon, Blender, BlenderMarket, Development, Mirage, Python21.10.2020