In this series of posts I’m going to talk about the new hot stuff I’m working on for Mirage. This will be my first time doing a devlog, so bear with me 🙂 Our first stop is what I’ve doing for the past few months: the Rust port. Port to Rust Rust is a programming language focusing on safety, performance and
Looking to add support for presets in your addon? Read on to find out how!
Making BMesh code sweeter with some syntactic sugar
In previous tutorials we looked into the basics of how to create mesh data to make new objects. Let’s shift gears and start abusing pre-existing meshes instead, today we will look at extrusions.
A few moons ago security researchers at Cisco made waves in the Blender community after disclosing a number of vulnerabilities that could allow an attacker to run arbitrary code. All the of them were fixed by 2.79a but it’s still possible to make Blender run arbitrary code.
Let’s find out how to call Blender’s filebrowser from a script or addon.
Keeping up with the previous decision to make smaller, more frequent releases here’s Mirage 3.1.
Christmas comes early for Render+ users! This new version focuses on improvements for render jobs based on external files.
That’s right! The next version of Mirage if finally out in the wild. It’s been a little while since 2.1.
In the last part of this series we’ll look at making circles and cylinders.
Unlike the previous part, this tutorial will be lighter on math and focus more on the “Blender stuff”. We will look at adding and applying modifiers, reading a mesh from a file and managing complexity.
In the third part of the series we get into making icosahedra, subdividing and refining them to spheres. To top it off, we’ll also look at two ways of setting a mesh’s shading to smooth.