This week in Mirage #2

This week went bet­ter than expect­ed in many ways. I end­ed up get­ting the mod­i­fi­er work done fair­ly quick­ly and man­aged to squeeze a small refac­tor, break­ing a ~1300 lines file into 3 files. I still have som­re more refac­tor­ing to do to make things more flex­i­ble. Hopefully I can get to that too in the fol­low­ing weeks.  Porting went smoothly 

This week in mirage

In this series of posts I’m going to talk about the new hot stuff I’m work­ing on for Mirage. This will be my first time doing a devlog, so bear with me 🙂 Our first stop is what I’ve doing for the past few months: the Rust port. Port to Rust Rust is a pro­gram­ming lan­guage focus­ing on safe­ty, per­for­mance and 

Mirage 3.1 launched

Keeping up with the pre­vi­ous deci­sion to make small­er, more fre­quent releas­es here’s Mirage 3.1.

Render+ 1.7 released

Christmas comes ear­ly for Render+ users! This new ver­sion focus­es on improve­ments for ren­der jobs based on exter­nal files.

Mirage 3.0 is out now

That’s right! The next ver­sion of Mirage if final­ly out in the wild. It’s been a lit­tle while since 2.1.

Render+ 1.5 Released

A new release of Render+ is out today. 1.5 brings sev­er­al fix­es, some pol­ish and a handy new feature.

Bottles Mockup pack released

I’ve released a new prod­uct on the Blender Market! It’s a pack of full scene mock­ups with 5 com­mon bot­tle shapes. 

Twist Intro released

I’ve final­ly released my first motion graph­ics tem­plate in the Blender Market. This is some­thing that I’ve been want­i­ng to get on for a long time.

Fuzz Texture pack released!

I’ve released a new prod­uct on the Blender Market, it’s called Fuzz. It’s a pack of pro­ce­dur­al tex­tures for Cycles to sim­u­late fur and animal-print.

Figures texture pack released

After quite some time I’ve launched a new prod­uct in the mar­ket. It’s a pack of pro­ce­dur­al tex­tures cen­tered around geo­met­ri­cal forms.

Mirage 2 released!

Hello fel­low Blenderheads. I’m hap­py to announce Mirage 2 is final­ly out! This new ver­sion comes packed with new fea­tures and changes.