Eveee Crash Course

A new age is upon us. Internal is dead, and we have a shiny new engine to replace it. This quick intro will help you get into Eevee. 

Extruding meshes with Bmesh step-by-step

In pre­vi­ous tuto­ri­als we looked into the basics of how to cre­ate mesh data to make new objects. Let’s shift gears and start abus­ing pre-exist­ing mesh­es instead, today we will look at extrusions. 

Futuristic Glass

I’ve been play­ing around with Eeevee recent­ly and the new shad­er-to-rgb node to cre­ate a futur­is­tic glass effect.

A look at security in Blender

A few moons ago secu­ri­ty researchers at Cisco made waves in the Blender com­mu­ni­ty after dis­clos­ing a num­ber of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties that could allow an attack­er to run arbi­trary code. All the of them were fixed by 2.79a but it’s still pos­si­ble to make Blender run arbi­trary code. 

Mirage 3.1 launched

Keeping up with the pre­vi­ous deci­sion to make small­er, more fre­quent releas­es here’s Mirage 3.1.

Left Click in Blender: Redux

Many moons ago I shared a keymap I was using to have LMB to select and per­form most actions in Blender. No, I haven’t changed my mind 🙂

Black Light V2

Here’s a new and improved ver­sion of my old Black Light theme. Now with 100% more orange.

Render+ 1.7 released

Christmas comes ear­ly for Render+ users! This new ver­sion focus­es on improve­ments for ren­der jobs based on exter­nal files.